Poppy's Page

"All my dogs have been a ladder for me to God." Poppy's Mom

And God gives us these little ones, loving, forgiving, and comforting us, and knowing that we are physical beings, he gives us these little creatures to hug and kiss, to nourish and fulfill our need to touch, especially when we are alone.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Muffy and Her Baby, Lucky Apple

This kitten is Lucky Apple. She got her name from a friend, as I saved her in an apple orchard some years ago. Her sister was dead, and Lucky Apple was very cold so she was on her way out also. I think the mother abandoned them, so I put her inside my blouse and took her home. My friend rushed to the vets and bought a tin with kitten milk and a small bottle with a tiny teat. I fed her until she was big enough to drink and eat alone. Muffy thought she was her baby, so would wash her and sleep with her, and no one was allowed near her except us. Lucky Apple is now a big cat and with her adoptive family.

Source: my friend Marie

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