Poppy's Page

"All my dogs have been a ladder for me to God." Poppy's Mom

And God gives us these little ones, loving, forgiving, and comforting us, and knowing that we are physical beings, he gives us these little creatures to hug and kiss, to nourish and fulfill our need to touch, especially when we are alone.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rachael & Georgie, Two Special Needs Dogs

This story is too sweet not to share.  It came from Vickie, about her Maltese dogs, Rachael and Georgie:

"Our little first Maltese Rachael is 15 1/2 and she had fluid on one of the joints in her front leg last week. She walks on her elbows now and it is hard for her. She does not have pain thankfully but surgery was not an option for her. Anyhow, she gets fluid at that elbow joint sometimes and we were doing antibiotics and warm compresses. Georgie is very curious of course! At night his bed is between our pillows and Rachael’s bed is just below his. Ever since she has been having a problem and even now that she is better he crawls out of his bed part way and puts his head in her bed. Best of all she has now started to crawl up to him and their heads are side by side and they sleep that way. It is just too sweet. Two little special needs dogs comforting each other. What a blessing for both of them! They are just so special."

(pictures lost - removed)

Love is . . .

Love is . . .

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